          EXXONMOBIL aims for big role in Iraq's oil sector EXXONMOBIL aims for big role in Iraq's oil sector... http://www.drudgerepor 設計裝潢 Iraqi be aware that's evil American politici 西裝ans sinister plot want to steal your natural resource, the same time to 澎湖民宿 build their underground chained slavery terrors to take away US military creditbility out of m 借貸iddle east, and dragon down your all people into hells, no way to grow up any mankind to form military force to hel 酒店打工p you all to do better. You must have to seal your border, not to allow any one to have right to do business to sell and buy your natu 酒店工作 ral resource, that must mean no one be allowed to sell your land, your soil, your water, your oil, your plant. That must mean you have to ban all import/export, you must not 商務中心allow any foreigners step on your land. I suggest you accept all current US military force to be your citizen to guard your interest, or kill them all, not to allow any American to lea 代償ve or arrive any more. Yes, you rather bomb all your oil site to make all your black water gone with wind than to allow anyone to use it to slave anyone of you. Your oil must be free to all 宜蘭民宿 you the poeple, must not be allowed to be the tool to profit any evil doer.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 租房子  .

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